[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1822KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 91(9): 1146-1149, 1990

Report on the annual meeting


Department of Pediatric Surgery, Kagoshima University Hospital, Kagoshima, Japan

Hiroshi Akiyama

Neonatal surgery has made a rapid progress in Japan during the last thirty years. However the degree of its progress in urban area was found different from that in rural areas. During the past thirty-one years from 1960 to March 1990, 747 cases with neonatal diseases requiring surgery were treated in Kagoshima area. Of these cases, 180 cases died that is the mortality rate was 24.2%. It was reduced from 32.4% in the early period (1960ー1973) to 13.8% in the late period (1984ー1990). The main reasons for the progress in the neonatal surgery in this area were the establishment of two facilities for the neonatal surgery in the University Hospital and Kagoshima Municipal Hospital and the increase of the number of pediatric surgeons who received special training.
Recently, the number of surgical patients with antenatal diagnosis by fetal ultrasonography has been increased in Japan. During the last six years, congenital defects antenatally were detected in 39 neonatal surgical patients in Kagoshima area. According to increasing number of patients with a ntenatal diagnosis, the establishments of appropriate perinatal care in each disease and the indication of fetal surgery are the future problems in the neonatal surgery.

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