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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 91(9): 1104-1107, 1990

Report on the annual meeting


First. Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Yasuhiko Morioka

The progress of surgery has contributed considerably to the development of medical science. However, we have to realize surgical procedures are always next to operative risk and they have limit of their own accords.
From old times it has been said that fundamental of medical ethics is to do the best for the benifit of the sick according to doctor's ability. And medical treatments have been left to the judgment of doctors. Since the end of World War 2, especially in the western countries, the protection of the patient's right has been strongly advocated under the situation of great progress of medical technology and socialization of medicine. Paternalism of doctor is condemned and self-determination of the patient and informed consent have been very cotroversial from the stand point of medical ethics.
Doctors should think highly of the human right and the dignity of patient and at the same time they should consider not only the benefit of a patient himself but also that of whole community. These thoughts have been prevailing gradually in our country, too. Quality of life of the patient, informed consent and terminal care of cancer patient are important subjects of medical ethics to be solved.
In the future all Japanese surgeons should be much more concerned with these problems.

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