[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1845KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 90(9): 1362-1365, 1989

Report on the annual meeting


First Department of Surgery, Nagoya City University Medical School, Nagoya, Japan

Takumi Hanai, Jiro Yura, Kenji Ogino, Kiichi Hori, Moritugu Tanaka, Akira Mizuno, Nagao Shinagawa

We investigated whether thromboxane (TX), a vasoconstrictor, contributes to liver disturbance in shock by reducing liver blood flow. Subjects and methods : experimental groups : Sham, Et : endotoxin 4mg/kg, BDL+Et:bile duct ligation with Et, OKY. BDL+BDL+Et with infusion of OKYO46 (TX synthetase inhibitor) 5mg, HT : three days after 70% hepatectomy, OKY. HT : HT receiving OKYO46.
We evaluated prostanoid and morbidity in hepatectomized cases. Measurement : TX, liver phospholipid, liver blood flow, endotoxin. Results : Higher TX levels in blood and liver, and reduced liver phosphlipid and Iiver blood flow in BDL+Et returned close to sham by OKYO46. High blood endotoxin in HT decreased by OKYO46. Intraoperative blood losses in cases with postoperative intraabdominal infection or hepatic failure were greater than those without complication. Hepatectomized cases with intraabdominal infectin showed higher blood TX than those without complication.
TX might be associated with decreased liver blood flow and with postopertive complication during shock. To reduce TX production would be beneficial in shock by ameliorating liver blood flow.

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