[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 855KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 89(9): 1422-1425, 1988

Report on the annual meeting


First Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine, Nishinomiya, Japan

Naoki Yamanaka, Eizo Okamoto, Shiro Fujiwara, Jiro Fujimoto, Toshihiro Kato, Kazutaka Furukawa, Noriyuki Nakai

The present study was performed to clarify the regeneration and splenic changes following hepatectomy. The processes were compared between the three classes (L>50%, 30<M<50%, S<30%) categolized by the resection rate (%) calculated by CT scan in the 26 cirrhotics (LC) and 22 non-cirrhotics(N). Hepato-splenic volumes were serially measured by CT scan. The regenerative speed (cm3/day) of the remaining liver were significantly higher in the N group than LC and in the larger resection class. Liver functions tended to return to the initial levels behind the time of restoration of the liver volumes. The delay was partially caused by the posttransfusion hepatitis (PTH), which developed more frequently with an increase of fresh frozen plasma transfusion given. The changing pattern of splenic size was strongly regulated by the massiveness of hepatectomy. Newly developed posthepatectomy esophageal variceal ruptures were endoscopically determined in the 10% of the 129 late deaths after hepatectomies for hepatomas (1973-1987) with or without recurrences and its occurrence was found to be enhanced in the massive resection in the LC group ended with the poor regeneration of the liver and persistent postoperative splenic enlargement.

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