[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1216KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 88(9): 1236-1238, 1987

Report on the annual meeting


1) First Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
2) Department of Serology and Immunology, Institute for Virus Research, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Kazuhiko Tsuboi1)2), Gakuji Ohshio1), Takayoshi Tobe1), Masakazu Hatanaka2)

c-fos and c-myc gene transcripts are induced in cultured fibroblasts when these cells are stimulated to proliferate by serum factors. In order to elucidate whether these genes are transcribed in the granulation tissue in vivo, mRNA in the granulation formed on the back of rats after a mid-dorsal skin resection was examined by Northern Blot analysis.
Neither c-fos nor c-myc gene was found to be actively transcribed in the granulation tissue. But when a half of the granulation formed 9 days after a skin resection was removed, slight but definite increase of c-fos transcript within 15 minutes and c-myc transcript within 2 hours were detected in the residual granulation tissue. These results showed that c-fos and c-myc genes are induced in granulation tissue in vivo when it is halved and that these genes are rapidly down regulated so that c-fos and c-myc gene transcripts can barely be detected in the granulation at the time when fibroblasts eventaually devide. Therefore c-fos and c-myc gene induction is likely to reflect the entry of fibroblasts to a proliferative state.

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