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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 88(7): 872-884, 1987
Original article
Five peptide hormones including calcitonin (CT) and gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP), serotonin (5HT), CEA, nervous tissue specific proteins and monoclonal antibody Leu-7 were immuno-histochemically studied on 60 cases of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC). In addition, localization of varied products in the tumor cells and its relations with the clinical features in some cases were evaluated.
MTC contains a variety of products in many cases, and CT and CEA were positive in all cases. In 50 of the 57 cases (87.7%), GRP was positive, which suggested that GRP could be a novel tumor marker for this tumor. Furthermore, in tumor cells and C-cell hyperplastic foci, identical cells were sometimes revealed to possess both CT and GRP. Existence of somatostatin (SS), substance-P (SP), β-MSH, 5HT, Leu-7 and NSE in the tumor cells were confirmed. NSE was positive in 32 of the 47 cases (61.8%) which could confirm that MTC possesses neuroendocrine nature.
In two cases of autopsy in which the ttumors were highly malignant in clinical course and undifferentiated in histology, most tumor cells showed poor stainability for peptide hormones, suggesting that specific qualities as neuroendocrine tumor had been lost. In familial cases, the tumor tended to contain multiple substances.
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