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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 87(10): 1261-1264, 1986

Report on the annual meeting


Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

Minoru Oi

The talk on the future of surgery covered several relevant subjects, namely, (1) question as to whether surgery is medicine, (2) question as to whether surgery is exactly operation or is operation plus something else, (3) good hand and poor hand in operation, (4) impression of the 85th Annual Congress of the Japan Surgical Society (1985) and finally (5) future of surgery. As the constituents of this talk some topics were referred to and all these were what have been said by or occurred on the notable members of the Japan Surgical Society within one year past.
At the close of the general talk, a person was called from among the audience to step on the platform. He was a surgeon who was invited from the U.S.A. and had finished a lecture in the preceding session on a subject of gastroenterology. But what was more, he was a well-being existence after having received heart transplantation, the extremity that today's surgery has reached. His appearance before the audience turned out to be the Japan's unprecedented case presentation or more strikingly a materialization of the total successs in all the advanced fields involved. The axis of surgery has been and will still be the hand work as the surgery's literal definition, but it always has something added to it as much as the time requires and as much as the contemporary science can give. The full participation to the congress of a heart recipient has immensely stimulated the Japanese surgeons for tomorrow.

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