[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2162KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 87(9): 1136-1139, 1986

Report on the annual meeting


Second Department of Surgery, Yokohama-city University School of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan

Mitsugi Sugiyama

In recent years surgical treatment for patients with peptic ulcer has changed. The number of operative case has decreased since the development of conservative treatment such as H2-blockers and antimuscarine drugs. And the widely used operative method has changed from conventional gastrectomy to vagotomy, and to the highly selective vagotomy (HSV). This report describes the current status of HSV on the basis of results obtained since 1975.
One hundred and sixty patients with HSV (42 gastric ulcer&118 duodenal ulcer) were studied. Satifaction rate to the surgical therapy was 93-98% in Visick grade I-II, and incidences of postoperative disorders were 1.2, 1.2, 6.0, 7.5 and 8.1% for early dumping syndrome, diarrhea, weight loss (2kg), anemia and hypoferremia, respectively. Our recent studies focused on metabolic bone disorder after gastric surgery, showed that post-operative skeletal disorder in HSV was significantly mild than that in patients after gasterectomy. Current status of HSV is:
1. HSV for peptic ulcer shows
1) prompt and precise recovery of the patient post-operatively.
2) low incidence of postoperative disorders in long term.
3) effective reduction in acid secretion and low recu rrence rate (less than 5%).
2. HSV is also extremely beneficial as the treatment of the patients with complication or resistance to medcal treatment.

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