[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1843KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 87(9): 1069-1072, 1986

Report on the annual meeting


Surgical Division, Tohoku Rosai Hospital, Sendai, Japan

Takashi Matsushiro, Hideyuki Nagashima, Kyoji Yamamoto, Yoichi Imaoka, Tuneo Hariu

Relative to the treatment of duodenal papillitis accompanying cholelithiasis, clinical indications of sphincteroplasty and appropriate length of the papillary incision were evaluated by a follow-up study of such patients.
The so-called papillary stenosis was thought to be a reversible process accompanying acute papillitis as studied histopathologically as well as clinically. Papillitis of papillary insufficiency type was found to constitute the severe forms of papillitis, and most of the cases were thought to be indications of the sphincteropIasty.
In order to attain complete abolishment of papillary function, an incision of as long as 4cm would be necessitated irrespective of the choledochal diameters.

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