[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1455KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 87(9): 1056-1059, 1986

Report on the annual meeting


1) Dept. of Head and Neck Surgery, Cancer Institute Hospital., Tokyo, Japan
2) Dept. of Surgery, Cancer Institute Hospital., Tokyo, Japan

Masaoki Uchida1), Mitsumasa Nishi2)

Fifty-six cases with cervical esophageal cancer undergoing treatments at our hospital from 1969 to 1985 were analysed from the clinical viewpoints.
Thirty-four out of 56 cancer cases received radical operations and the resultant 5 year survival rate was 12.4% (Kaplan-Meier’s method). Of the above 34 cases, 27 cases underwent the curative tumor resection and showed 25% 5 year survival rate. On the other hand no long survivals were noted in the cases receiving only radiation therapy.
The cases with multiple lymph node metastases showed poor prognosis following the operations.
Concerning the resection of primary tumor lesins, both procedures of pharyngo-laryngo-esophagectomy and bilateral neck dissection were performed for the cases with Ce>Ph type cancer. For Ce type the operative procedures include partial resection of sternum and upper mediastinum dissection besides the same procedures done for Ce>Ph type. For the advanced cases with tumor expanding over Ph and Iu portion, the esophagus was totally resected with the technique of blunt dissection.
As for reconstruction to cervical esophageal cancer we used mainly four materials such as gastric tube, free jejunum, deltopectoral flap and free forearm flap. The first two materials were found more stable and useful for reconstruction in these cases.

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