[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2298KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 86(9): 1253-1256, 1985

Report on the annual meeting


First Department of Surgery, Mie University School of Medicine, Tsu, Japan

Yoshifumi Kawarada, Shuji Isaji, Ryuji Mizumoto

Recently we reviewed 240 patients with acute pancreatitis admitted to our service and the affliated hospitals for five years. Clinical symptoms and laboratory data of these cases were analyzed depending on their prognosis. The grades were divided into 3 groups by the mortality rates : Grade I with the mortality rate of less than 10%, Grade II 10-20%, and Grade III with greater than 20%.
Clinical symptoms in Grade III were shock and neurological or dermatological symptoms. On the other hand, laboratory findings in Grade III were as follows; blood sugar was more than 200mg/dl, LDH≧ 600 IU%, BUN≧40mg/dl, serum Ca≦7.5mg/dl, T.Bil.≧5.0mg/dl, blood pressure≦ 90mmHg, and PaO2≦ 65mmHg (room air).
The degree of severity of acute pancreatitis was divided into 3 types, as follows : Mild ; all belong to Grade I, or less than 2 positives of Grade II. Moderate ; 3 to 4 positives of Grade II, or one postivive of Grade III. Severe ; 5 positives or more of Grade II, or 2 positives or more of Grade III.
Our criteria with both clinical and loboratory findings are very useful for the evaluation of the severity and choice of treatment in acute pancreatitis.

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