[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 6648KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 86(6): 752-761, 1985

Original article


Department of Surgery, Division II, Kobe University School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan

Noriaki Tubota, Chojiro Yamashita, Noboru Ishii, Kouichi Yoshikawa, Ryuta Aogauchi, Shunsuke Yasuoka, Kazuo Nakamura

Twenty-eight patients with malignant tumors of the thymus were surgically treated during the l5- year period from 1969 to 1984. Twenty-six patients had far advanced disease when treatment was began. Of fifteen patients with malignant thymoma, the tumors were successfully removed in five patients by using the technique of combined resection of SVC. Of two patients with carcinoid, one is alive and another died two years after extended operation. Of two patients with malignant lymphoma, one with non Hodgkin's disease died three years after operation, and the other with Hodgkin's disease is alive with tumor bearing. It is important to distinguish malignant lymphoma from other types of thymic tumors, because chemo-radiotherapy is superior to surgical therapy. Of nine patients with germ cell tumor, two patients with seminoma have been well for 11 and 5 years. CDDP and radiotherapy were effective on their long survival. Three patients with embryonal carcinoma responded well to combined surgical and chemo-radiotherapy. But only one of them is alive with tumor free one year after operation. Prosthetic grafts were employed in 7 cases for replacement of the innominate and superior caval vein. Angiogram taken one month after operation disclosed the overall patency rate with 92% and the longest patent period confirmed was 4 years. Extended operation by using the prosthetic graft should be performed in the advanced cases to achieve a complete removal and to aim better prognosis for this kind of disease.
In conclusion, aggressive surgical removal followed by radio-chemotherapy offers best cure of the malignant thymic tumor.

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