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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 85(9): 1109-1113, 1984

Report on the annual meeting


Second Department of Surgery, Nagasaki University, School of Medicine Medicine, Nagasaki, Japan

Kensuke Yamamoto, Ryoichi Tsuchiya, Masataka Koga, Tsutomu Tomioka, Takashi Yamaguchi, Kunihide Izawa, Takatoshi Noda, Tsukasa Tsunoda, Ryozo Yoshino, Noboru Harada, Toshiya Ito

Review of 108 patients with hepatolithiasis showed a recent increase of primary intrahepatic gallstones. 55 per cent of cases with hepatolithiasis had their gallstones in the left intrahepatic bile ducts. Clinicopathological study on the resected hepatic specimens of 33 patients revealed numerous intrahepatic periductal glandular formations. Periductal glandular formations were classified into the intramural and extramural glands. The mucous substances which might had been released from the periductal glands seemed to play a role in the formation of stones in combination with bilirubin pigments, cholesterin, bacterial organisms, cellular debris and other bile component. Intrahepatic gallstones and extramural glands were seen in the intrahepatic segment and area ducts. The defunctionalized atrophic hepatic lobe or segment should be resected in order to remove the calculi completely and to prevent the recurrence.

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