[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 3907KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 83(9): 901-906, 1982

Report on the annual meeting


First Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine, Nishinomiya, Japan

Akihiro Toyosaka, Eizo Okamoto, Keiji Kuwata, Tadayuki Hida, Shigefumi Ueki, Tatsuo Okasora, Tadashi Okada, Yoshikazu Ikeda

Twenty-six patients of Primary epithelial malignancy of the liver in children have been treated since 1967, and 20 patients were able to undergo hepatectomy including second look operation. Recently the prognosis has become far better than before due to the aggressive surgical approach and intensive chemotherapy. The recent 3 cases who underwent aggressive treatment accompanied with multiple surgery, are shown.
Case 1 : A hepatoblastoma in a 10 month-old male was considered unresectable at the initial surgical exploration because of the huge mass occupying both lobes. Hepatic arterial ligation resulted in a remarkable reduction of the tumor size, followed by combination chemotherapy of VCR, ADM, and cisplatinum. Second look operation was successfully performed by left trisegmentectomy with complete hepatic dearterialization, the remnant liver becoming only portal vein in the inflow vessel, but the child is alive and well 16 months after the resection.
Case 2: Twelve years old boy who had local reccurrence after extended right hepatectomy, underwent incidentally hepatic dearterialization. When mediastinal metastasis appeared after 2 years, the fourth operation was performed. But he died of vertebral metastasis 5 years and 8 months after initial hepatic resection.
Case 3: Nine month-old male of hepatoblastoma underwent extended right hepatectomy. A solitary lung metastasis appeared 2 times of 17 months and 40 months after the first resection. These lung metastases were successfully resected by 2nd and 3rd operation. He is alive and well 5 years after the last operation. In the unresectable tumors or reccurrent tumors or metastatic lesions, complete cure can be expected by aggressive surgical approach and combination chemotherapy following second-or third-look operation depending on the tumor histology.

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