[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1234KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 83(3): 249-256, 1982

Original article


Department of Surgery, School of Medicine Keio University (Director : Prof. Osahiko Abe)

Akira Tsuyuki

Immunoreactive substance P (SP) in the human gut and several tumor tissues was examined together with vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), motilin and secretin. SP was extracted tissues by the boiling method.
SP was found to be present in the G-I tract, and the highest concentration was noted in the duodenum. Distribution of VIP in the gut showed the pattern in similar to that of SP, while motilin and secretin were detected only in the duodenum and small intestine but not from the in the large intestine. SP and VIP that have been suggested to act as hormone as well as neurotransmitter showed a markedly different distribution from those of motilin and secretin, which are considered to work only as hormone.
Of the whole gut, the highest concentration of SP was found in tlie appendix. VIP was also revealed to be present in relatively high concentration in the appendix, but motilin and secretin were hardly detected.
The tumor tissue extracts were investigated for the presence of SP in 54 cases. SP were detected in 3 tumors, ovarian carcinoid, ganglioneuroblastoma and Grawitz tumor.
These data indicated that SP was present throughout the human gut including the appendix with a similar distribution pattern of VIP, and SP was also present in some tumor tissues.

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