[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2165KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 82(9): 1094-1098, 1981

Report on the annual meeting


National Cancer Center Hospital

Masatoshi Makuuchi, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Susumu Yamazaki,  et al.

Since 1976, we have performed 26 intra-operative ultrasonic examinations (IUE) for abdominal surgery with three ultrasonic systems. Depened on these experiences, we found that ordinary ultrasioic probes were too large. Therefore, we have explored three types of small linear arrayed transducers (62 x 19 x 14 mm).
Since Oct. 1979 to Feb. 1981, 72 times of intra-operative ultrasonic examinations were performed. Fifty six were for hepatectomy, eleven for external biliary drainage, two for drainage of small post-operative abscesses, one for drainage of hepatic absess, and two for detection of lung cancer invading into left atrium.
In 56 cases with heptic lesions, 16 (29%) non-visible non-palpable lesions from the surface of the liver were demonstrated with IUE. In 26 cases with cirrhotic liver, twelve (46%) had non-visible non-palpable lesions.
In 35 cases with hepatocellular carcinoma, five (14%) tumor thrombus were found by IUE. Four of five were not confirmed preopratively. Two of four were not resected because of IUE's informations.
With IUE, notonly tumors but also blood vessels were clearly seen, So, partial hepatectomy can be performed more systematically depending on the formation fo vessels in the liver. We call this new concept of partial-hepatectomy “Systematic Subsegmentectomy”. Therefore, IUE is indispensable intraoperative procedure in National Cancer Center Hospital.

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