[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1690KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 82(9): 1076-1079, 1981

Report on the annual meeting


Department of Surgery, Tohoku University School of Medicine

Noriyoshi Suzuki, Wataru Takahashi, Ikunoshin Uematsu, Toshio Sato

The authous performed intraoperative manometric measurement of the bile duct pressure for the diagnosis of the papillary stenosis and studied for the relations between the parapapillary duodenal diverticulum and bile duct disorders.
Twenty six patients out of 52 who received sphincteroplasty in the last 10 years were diagnosed by papillary stenosis. Based upon the pattern of the bile duct pressure curves as well as the cholangiographic findings and the metal sounds transmittability, 26 cases were classified into 2 groups, a group with stenosis only and that with stenosis combined with insufficiency. The histological changes of the papilla in these cases varied so widely that these did not correlate with the bile duct pressures.
Twenty five patients with the parapapillary diverticulum who received intraoperative manometric studies of the bile duct with raising the duodenal pressure were classified into 3 groups, namely Group I who were almost free from influences of the duodenal pressure loading on the bile duct pressure, Group II who showed an obvious influence and Group III who did not show the demonstrable influence but had abnormal bile duct pressures from the beginning. The operative procedures to be indicated to these cases were diverticuloplasty and/or sphincteroplasty.

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