[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2408KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 82(9): 990-993, 1981

Report on the annual meeting


Second Department of Surgery, Sapporo Medical College

Teruhisa Kazui, Takemi Ono, Hiroaki Adachi, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Sakuzo Komatsu

Between 1965 and 1981, one hundred and forty-eight patients were treated for acute arterial occlusion in our institution. Eleven patients died following treatment, giving a patient mortality 7.4%. The over-all amputation rate among patients who survived the operation is 8.8 percent or a limb salvage of 91.2 percent. The surgical results were analysed from the various risk factors such as etiology, patient age, site of occlusion, the interval between the onset and the treatment, seriousness of the ischemia, and the operative technique. The present study indicates that the early surgical intervention is mandatory for acute arterial occlusion in order to salvage both the limb and life. It is also important to manage the myonephropathic-metabolic syndrome which occurs after the late-revasculization particularly in the advanced ischemic limbs. Because the majority of the early death are related to the underlying heart disease, the aggressive medical and surgical treatment for the heart disease is also necessary to improve the surgical results.

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