[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2466KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 82(9): 953-957, 1981

Report on the annual meeting


1) First Department of Surgery, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
2) Department of Thoracic Surgery, Oita Prefectural Hospital
3) Second Department of Surgery, Miyazaki Medical College

Yuzuru Nakamura1), Hiroyuki Minami1), Hiroyoshi Ayabe1), Yoshitaka Uchiyama1), Takeyuri Ohmagari1), Katsunobu Kawahara1), Susumu Nakao1), Tsunehisa Ishibashi1), Masaaki Eguchi1), Toshio Miura1), Yasukuni Tsuji1), Tetsuo Hadama2), Masao Tomita3), Yasunori Koga3)

Experimental studies were undertaken to investigate the influences of vagal denervation on postoperative functions of bronchial reconstructed lung.
Left upper lobectomy and left upper sleeve lobectomy with or without hilar stripping were performed in dogs. Blood samples from femoral artery and left pulmonary vein were collected under room air breathing and after inhalation of 100% oxygen for 15 to 20 minutes at periodic intervals following operation, and then the values of A-aDO2 and intrapulmonary arteriovenous shunts were calculated.
It was noted that the values of A-aDO2 and intrapulmonary shunts increased in the group of sleeve lobectomy with hilar stripping and that of A-aDO2 was maximum for 10 days postoperatively.
This increase may be mainly caused by uneven ventilation with the presence of microatelectasis in the residual lungs following vagal denervation.
Furthermore, left simple thoracotomy and left hilar stripping were carried out to clarify the effects of denervation to pulmonary gas exchange in dogs and the changes in oxygen uptake were determined during postoperative days.
It was observed that oxygen uptake decreased in left lung with hilar stripping.
These data suggest that increased intrapulmonary shunts and uneven distributions of ventilation and perfusion might be followed by interruption of vagal nerves and plexus to the reconstructed lung.

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