[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2141KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 82(9): 944-947, 1981

Report on the annual meeting


Department of Surgery, The Research Institute for Chest Diseases and Cancer, Tohoku University

Shigefumi Fujimura, Sumio Nitta, Tasuku Nakada

Bronchoplastic procedures have been carried out in 5 patients with bronchial tuberculosis and 32 with bronchogenic carcinoma in our department since 1955. They were reviewed from the view points of indication of surgery and operative procedurs.
All the patients with bronchial tuberculosis showed circumferential cicatrical endobronchial lesions with many extent. There were no tuberculous lesions in residual lungs. Indicated was that a sleeve resection of main bronchus in continuity with upper lobectomy was successful even in the cases with critically long endobronchial lesion.
In lung cancer patients, preoperative radiologic and bronchoscopic findings were not necessarily useful tools for preoperative decision of sleeve lobectomy. 6 of 32 patients underwent sleeve lobectomy concomitantly with pulmonary artery reconstruction: In some of these cases there were distant metastases during the postoperative course, suggesting that postoperative adjuvant therapy should be emphasized. There were no 5-year survivals after sleeve lobectomy for stage III cases so far. 3 of 32 cases showed endobronchial recurrence of cancer around the anastomotic site.
In the majority, sleeve lobectomy was performed with a minimal postoperative problem, however, in a few of stage III whose sleeve resection of the bronchus was inevitably incomplete, postoperative radiation therapy must be carried out.

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