[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 5974KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 82(7): 731-738, 1981

Original article


Department of Surgery, The Research institute for Chest Diseases and Cancer, Tohoku University, Sendai

Shigefumi Fujimura, Takashi Kondo, Atsushi Yamauchi, Masashi Handa, Takeshi Okabe, Hirotoshi Sato, Eiichi Akaogi, Kunihisa Hashimoto, Sumio Nitta, Tasuku Nakada

Forty-one patients with tracheal or endobronchial lesions were treated with reconstructive procedures of trachea or bronchus, 28 of which were bronchogenic carcinoma patients. Six patients with cancer involving the orifices of the lobar bronchi and the pulmonary artery underwent sleeve lobectomy concomitantly with pulmonary artery reconstruction. In our series of sleeve lobectomy for bronchogenic carcinoma, preoperative indication was performed by bronchoscopic findings, however, in above 6 cases preoperative pulmonary angiography was not necessarily useful tool for preoperative decision of angioplastic procedures. The patients subjected to sleeve lobectomy with pulmonary artery reconstruction encountered no specific postoperative complications and showed fairly preserved respiratory function of residual lung from the immediate postoperative period.
However, there prognosis were not satisfactory; all 6 cases died within 2 years and 7 months postoperatively, 5 of which died of recurrent lung cancer. In patients whose results of histologic examinations of cancer involving pulmonary artery showed invasion of the tumor to the media or intima of the vessel, there were distant metastatis during the postoperative course.
These results indicate the sufficient postperative adjuvant therapies are necessary for distant metastasis which preoperatively exists in those patients who show the tumor invasion to the hilar vessels.

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