[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1061KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 81(9): 1088-1089, 1980

Report on the annual meeting


The 3rd Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Nihon University

Takashi Sakabe, Norio Okamura

Using microplate, human cancer cells from cancer tissue, lymph node metastasis and othe metastatic tissues were primarily cultured, and after micro-colony formation of tumor cells drugs were added into each culture wells in various concentration.
Drugs using in this study and their concentrations were Methotrexate 10ー10-3μg/ml, 5-Fluorouracil 10-10-3 μg/ml, Bleomycin 10-10-3 μg/ml, Cytosine arabinoside 1-10-4 μg/ml, Vincristine 1-10-4 μg/ml, Adriamycin 1-10-4 μg/ml, Mitomycin C 1-10-4 μg/ml and Toyomycin 10-1 -10-5 μg/ml.
Duration of drug contact were 3 hours and 3 days and after contact of drugs culture medium were changed and continued to culture for 2 weeks with intention of observing morphological changes of colonys and cells.
The finall deter mination of drug sensitivity were done under consideration of grading of colony inhibition and cell degeneration, concentration of drugs and contact duration of drugs.
As results of this study, primary culture were done from 46 cases with cancer of various organs and tissues, among them sensitivity drugs could be deter mined in 18 cases (39.1%), and 28 cases which cancer cells from lymph node metastasis, sensitivity drugs could be deter mined in 8 cases (28.5%).
At present, drugs are using clinically according to the result of this sensitivity test, however, clinical response is not obtained yet.

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