[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 900KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 81(9): 1083-1085, 1980

Report on the annual meeting


The 1st Department of Surgery, Nara Medical University

Katsunori Nakatani

A total of 75 human stomach carcinomas were transplanted into nude mice.
The following results were obtained:
1. The transplantability of stomach carcinomas into subcutaneous space of nude mice was 40/75 (53%).
2. All histological types of stomach carcinomas were serially transplanted.
3. The growth patterns of the transplantal tumors were divided into 3 types, namely rapid, slow and persistent types. The prognosis of the donor patients was related to the speed of growth.
4. The malignant potential of a human stomach carcinomas was expressed as carcinomatous peritonitis and metastais by intraperitoneal injection.
5. Tumors transplanted subcutaneously in nude mice were used for chemotherapeutic experiments. Serum CEA or α-fetoprotein level in nude mice was available as a marker for inhibiting effects of chemotherapy.

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