[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 6767KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 81(1): 78-88, 1980

Original article


*) 1st Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Iwate Medical University
**) 1st Department of Surgery, School of Medicine,, Yamagata University

Jun Sasaki*), Katsumi Shimada*), Norihiro Kato*), Shinobu Nishinari*), Shunichi Jin*), Yutaka Okuno*), Koichi Seta*), Shinji Takahashi**)

Subtotal thyroidectomy has been performed on 860 cases of hyperthyroidism over the last three decades in our clinic.
Of these 860 cases 17 (2.0%) relapsed into hyperthyroidism.
Of these 17 recurrent cases 12 were reoperated together with other five recurrent cases that had been surgically treated at other clinics.
Of these cases of reoperation 9 became euthyroid, but 3 became hypothyroid and 4 hyperthyroid agam.
Tetany and horseness ocurred in 7 cases.
Histologically, in the reoperated cases epithelium of follicles were more hyperplastic and the size of the follicles were grossly larger than those of primary cases.
By comparing these results with residual thyroid weight we found that the optimum weight which leads to euthyroidism in reoperation is about 5 grams, which is markedly smaller than the optimum residual weight for primary operation, i.e., 10 grams.
Because of numerous complications, reoperation for recurrent hyperthyroidism must be limited to young patients or larg goiter cases, to which radioactive iodine therapy is not recommended or not effective.
At the reoperation of recurrent hyperthyroidism, extra care must be taken of massive hemorrhage and residual thyroid must be small.

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