[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2334KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 80(12): 1545-1549, 1979

Report on the annual meeting


Juntendo University School of Medicine

Akio Suzuki

From September 1975 to the present 132 cases of Aorto coronary artery bypass procedures were performed for ischemic heart disease. Over all operative death was 3 (2.3%). Hospital death was 2 (1.5). 127 patients who survived surgery were followed at least 4 months to maximum of 44 months. 2 patients died during this period. Late mortality was 1.5%. Our experience proved that poor left venticular function is not always contraindication of surgery.
The operative mortality of the patients who had poor ejection fraction (15-34%) was 6.6% and late death was also 6.6%. 20 patients who had fair ejection fraction (35-44%) had no operative and late death. 122 (97.6%) of 125 patients have returned to preoperative work.
Vein graft patency was examined on 37 patients during post operative one month to 18 months. 68 of 73 vein graft were open and patency rate was 93.2%. Complete relief of angina pectoris is 122 (97.6%) of 125 patients. Perioperative myocardial infarction occured 9 patients (6.8%), In order to improve operative and late mortality the use of cold cardioplegic solution and Intra-aortic Balloon Pumping are recommended. We have used IABP on 13 severely ill patients pre, intra and postoperatively and saved 11 patient (85%).

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