[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2565KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 80(12): 1530-1534, 1979

Report on the annual meeting


Ⅱnd Department of Surgery, Kurume University School of Medicine

Michihiro Koga

Long-term follow up study was carried out in 33 cases of mitral leaflet advancement applied to mitral regurgitation, 31 cases of aortic valve débridement to aortic stenosis or regurgitation and in 81 cases of annuloplasty to tricuspid regurgitation.
Valve advancement was achieved by putting pericardial patch on the incised area along the valve ring of the posterior leaflet. In follow up study, systolic murmur decreased or disappeared, CTR improved markedly. Functional capacity, 82% of total cases had vety good result, 10.7% was fair, 3.6% was poor and death occured in 3.6% in second to 6th postoperative year.
Aortic débridement was performed such manner as slicing thickened and shrinked valvular edge after enough commissurotomy. Decrease in heart murmur and pressure gradient between LV and aorta were resulted. No case which showed enhanced regurgitation after débridement was experienced.
In annuloplasty to tricusped regurgitation Key's method had been applied previously, but DeVega's method covered almost all recent cases. Comparative study between two methods showed, residual regurgitation in 28% of Key's method and in 10% of DeVega's and reccurence of regurgitation due to the rupture of shortened portion in two cases of Key's and none of DeVega's.

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