[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1834KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 80(12): 1453-1456, 1979

Report on the annual meeting


The First Department of Surgery, Tohoku University School of Medicine

Akira Sakuma

Of a total of 926 cases of the gastric cancer except the early gastric cancer, 705 cases were resected curatively, 221 cases noncuratively. The operative mortality and five-year survival rate were examined.
A close relationship between five year survival rate and serosal invasion was demonstrated in the curative operation. Among the 43 cases with penetration to the gastric serosa without lymphnode metastasis, only 15 cases (34.8%) remained free for five years. On the other hand 149 cases (83.3%) of those 179 cases with infiltration to the muscular and subserosal layers were free for five years. Therefore, even if the regional lymphnodes completely are cleaned out in the cases with serosal invasion, more than 34.8% of five-year survival rate could not be expected.
The motalities after non-curative total gastrectomy and proximal gastrectonic were very high, with the values of 7.7% in the former and 9.5% in the latter. The average duration of life of absorute noncurative total gastrectomy was only 9 months postoperatively and was 7 month in the absorute noncurative proximal gastrectomy. High operative mortality and short duration of life associated with noncurative total or proximal gastrectomy would tend to discourage the frequent use of this procedurs.

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