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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 80(12): 1382-1384, 1979

Report on the annual meeting


Department of Pediatrics, Nihon University

Masahiko Okuni

1. Congenital heart disease
Congenital heart disease is a disease persisting throughout life even after surgical operation. Therefore long-term care should be considered.
The guide lines for the care of postoperative patients with congenital heart diseases are being published by Study Group of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Japan.
A memobook for children with heart disease has been published by Japan School Health Society. This memobook aimed for the communication between patient, school, home doctor and cardiologist. The propagation of the notebook is advisable.
2. Rheumatic valvular disease (RHD)
The necessity and effectiveness of the prophylaxis for recurrence of rheumatic activity are well established. WHO recommended the prophylactic measure for RHD.
It is recommended that the use of prophylactic penicillin for RHD should be continued at least until 30 years old of age or if possible throughout their life.
It is reported that about 70% of the cases with mitral regurgitation receiving regular prophylactic penicillin have lost their heart murmur with complete recovery during 9 years after their acute attacks.
3. Coronary heart disease
The relationship between arteriosclerotic coronary heart disease and coronary risk factors are well established.
Surgeons who are managing the patients with coronary heart disease should be versed with coronary risk factors and try to reduce the patients'risk factors with the colaboration of physicians.

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