[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2274KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 80(12): 1352-1355, 1979

Report on the annual meeting

The cardiovascular surgery today has advanced such that it has been extending its surgical interventions toward almost entire field of circulatory diseases. In return, analysis of pathophyiological status of circulatory diseases have been clarified through surgical approach as well, the cardiovascular surgery has played a major role in modern medical science. Naturally, these prominent achievement in this medical field owned their larger parts to the pioneer works of great scholars of the time, however, one can not forget to appreciate the progress in medicine in general as well as allied field of science.
Without the discovery of antibiotics, the progress in diagnostic modality and endotracheal tube anesthesia so on, one can not expect to see the present accomplishment in cardiovascular surgery. Also, we have to pay our full respects to those investigators in the field of physics, engineering,m olecular science and pharmacology who have contributed to the development in this field of surgery. Therefore, further progress in cardiovascular surgery appears to depend on an understanding that the research efforts should be focused on not only with cooperative studies in allied field of medicine but also by the unique idea which will emerge through the deep discernment to the progress in science.

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