[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2873KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 80(11): 1259-1263, 1979

Report on the annual meeting


From the First Department of Surgery, Osaka University Medical School

Yasunaru Kawashima, Tohru Mori, Soichiro Kitamura, Hajime Hirose, Susumu Nakano, Toshikatsu Yagihara

For the purpose to maintain the pulmonary valve function and right ventricular contractility well after surgery, a new method of corrective surgery for tetralogy of Fallot was developed.
Pulmonary artery was incised and commissurotomy was performed. When the commissur was in sagittal plane, autogenous pericardial cusp was inserted. When the commissur was frontal plane, simple pericardial patch was used in case the pulmonary valve ring was large. In case it was small, anterior cusp was incised and the incision was extended down to the anterior wall of the right ventricle for about 10 to 15 mm. Autogenous pericardial patch with a shelf was inserted and the shelf was sutured to the divided anterior cusp to restore the valve competency.
Among 18 patients operated upon between June 1978 and May 1979, 14 underwent above mentioned procedure. In three patients who neccessitated external conduit operation and one patient with a preoperative diagnosis of DORV, VSD was closed through right ventriculotomy. One patient expired 11 days after surgery. All other 17 patients had uneventful recovery without or with minimum dose of catecholamine and are well now.
The authors believe that the method described here is the method of choice for tetralogy of Fallot dose of catecholamine and are well now.
The authors believe that the method described here is the method of choice for tetralogy of Fallot unless the external conduit operation is indicated.

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