[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2137KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 80(11): 1198-1201, 1979

Report on the annual meeting


The Research Institute for Chest Diseases and Cancer Tohoku University

S. Nitta,  et al.

In 1978, among eight patients with traumatic disruption of the trachea, we performed four sleeve resections of the stenosis and end-to-end anastomoses in three patients at the time of postambulant stage without any delayed complication.
Case 1: A seventeen-years-old school boy with complete separation and closure of the trachea at its height of the ring cartilage.
Two weeks after the incidence, we reconstructed the cervical trachea with end-to-end anastomosis with tight simple cat-gut suture, after desecting the terminal end of the closed trachea.
Case 2: A twenty five-years-old man with stricture of the lower trachea.
Under right thoracotomy, we resected the granulomatous stenosis of the lower trachea by 1.5 cm and reconstructed it with the same as above mentioned two months after the accident.
Case 3: A twenty two-years-old man with double strictures of the middle and lower trachea.
We repaired the lower stenosis with the method as described in the second case, 11 months after the accident, and the other stenosis with the same cervical approach as shown in the first case, 1.5 months after the first operation.
Ventilatory-function-tests and blood gas analysis also detected absence of respiratory impairment in any of the three over six months after the operations.

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