[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2281KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 80(11): 993-996, 1979

Report on the annual meeting


From The Department of Surgery II, Kanazawa University

Itsuo Miyazaki

In order to improve the surgical treatment for pancreatic carcinoma, we have evaluated the resected and autopsied cases of pancreatic carcinoma on histological studies, lymphatic survey with dye, and postoperative studies on nutrition. In this paper, our extended radical operation, including total pancreatectomy, for carcinoma in the region of pancreatic head is reported with special reference on extensive lymphatic excision and the problems in the post operative management.
For the past 19 years in our department, 70 cases were resectable (40.3%) among 174 carcinomas in the region of pancreatic head and the five year survivals were only 7 cases. According to our conclusions after the detection of operated or autopsied cases that more radical operation is neccessary to improve the surgical treatment, wide en block excision of lymphnodes and extended retroperitoneal dissection via translateral approach, which we named as extended radical resection, have been performed in 25 cases. From the evaluation of lymphnode metastasis in these 25 cases, total pancreatectomy seemes to be indicated for carcinoma in the head and body of the pancreas. Nutritional examinations after this radical operation revealed severely disturbed both in digestion and absorption. Although intravenous hyperalimentation succeeded to maintain patient's nutrition, problems to be solved remained in future.

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