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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 80(11): 959-963, 1979

Report on the annual meeting


I served in the Japanese naval surgeon from 1942 to 1945 after my graduation from Tokyo University School of Medicine at 1941. I wrote a first medical article entitled "A interesting case of hydronephrosis" in 1943.
I engaged surgical research, especially in cardiovascular fields at 2nd Department of Surgery, Tokyo University Hospital from 1945 to 1957. There are several published papers, one of which is about studies on arterial Homo-and hetero grafts preserved in alcohol (Arch. Surg. 64(4): 549- 563, 1954), and about" Open heart surgery under direct vision with the aid of brain-cooling by irrigation (Surgery 39(4): 592-603, 1956).
I was a professor of surgery at Tokyo Medical College from 1957 to 1961, and continued the fundermental studies of cardiovascular surgery.
After then I became a professor of surgery of Hokkaido University, School of Medicine at 1961, and special themes of surgical fields are cardiovascular surgery (Clinical experience with supported homograft heart valve for mitral and aortic valve replacement,.J. Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surg. 57(4): 455―463,1969), lung cancer therapy, cardiovascular Fiberscope, cardiac Pacemaker, protection of myocardium during the open heart surgery, distal Spleno-renal shunt for portal hypertension, and surgical therapies of esophageal cancer and malignant deseases of choredoco-pacrestic area.

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