[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 5717KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 80(5): 387-397, 1979

Original article


The 1st Department of Surgery, Fukushima Medical College (Director : Kenji Honda)

Hitoshi Inoue

Pre- and postoperative hemodynamics in 17 patients of portal hypertension and 10 surgical patients without portal hypertension or liver cirrhosis as control were studied using Swan-Ganz catheter.
The results obtained were as follows ;
1) Preoperative hemodynamics in patients of portal hypertension were classified into 3 group-I group ; hemodynamics were almost same as that of control group, clinical conditions were fair and compressions of the intrahepatic portal vessels were histologically minium. II group ; high cardiac index (CI) with low right atrial pressure (RAP) were characteristic and hepatic disfunction was moderately and compression of the intrahepatic portal vessels were observed microscopically moderately. III group ; high CI with very low RAP was noticed. All patients of this group were accompanied with massive bleeding from ruptured esophageal varices.
2) Postoperative hemodynamics in portal hypertension were classified into 3 groups-α group ; their hemodynamics changed in normal range and the clinical courses were excellent. β group ; high CI with low RAP was recognized and the clinical courses were well. γ group ; extremely high CI with high cardiac stroke work index was observed and the clinical courses were very poor.
3) Hemodynamics in portal hypertension reflected the clinical conditions and histological findings of the liver and analysis of hemodynamics seem to be useful to choose the method of treatment and evaluate its effect.

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