[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 7358KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 80(2): 123-132, 1979

Original article


Department of Surgery II, School of Medicine,  Kyushu University, Fukuoka

Yoshifumi Kodama, Kiyoshi Inokuchi, Kazuhiko Soejima, Toshimitsu Matsuzaka, Motohiko Miyazaki, Kenichi Yoshimura, Takeshi Okamura

Forty three cases of scirrhous carcinoma of the stomach in Borrmann type 4 were studied on the mode of cancer spread. The tumor nests were classified into the two main types according to the grade of tumor cell aggregation; One is a “free cell type” and another “small nest type”. Free cell type appeared to produce scirrhous stroma in the submucosal layers and small nest type was found frequently in the lymphatics and lymph nodes. In the mucosal layer both types of tumor nest existed together not infrequently. Then, the predominant type of tumor nest in the mucosal layer was described in each case. The carcinomas constituted mainly from free cell type in the mucosal layer infiltrated diffusely in the interstitum with infrequent lymphogenous spread. On the other hand, the carcinomas mainly from small nest type was accompanied by frequent lymphogenous spread. The mode of tumor spread seemed to be oriented by the predominant types of tumor nests in the mucosal layer.

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