[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1901KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 79(12): 1489-1498, 1978

Original article


Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Sapporo Medical College

Teruhisa KAZUI,  M.D., et al.

During a 19 year period (1959-1978) , 92 patients with aneurysms of the thoracic aorta were seen at the Sapporo Medical College and Hospital. Of the 92 patients, 71 were treated surgically and 21 nonsurgically. In the surgical groups, the one-month survival was 72% three-year survival 50%, and five-year survival 42% respectively. The following risk factors were analyzed ; patient's age, location of aneurysm, shape of aneurysm, etiology, size, rupture, presence of associated cardiac disease and hypertension.
Those factors were correlated with one-month, three-year and five-year survival rates.
Aneurysm of the aortic arch, fusiform or dissecting aneurysm, huge and ruptured aneurysm, aneurysm with associated cardiac disease had an adverse effect on survival.
The surgical technique should be selected on the basis of individual case, namely shape, extent and location of aneurysm. The prevention of pseudoaneurysmal formation, prophylaxis of infection and management of associated cardiac disease are important to improve the long term results.
The survival rates of the nonsurgical group was extremely poor comparied with that of the surgical group. A half of the patients treated nonsurgically died of rupture.
The indication for surgery in the patients with aneuryms of the thoracic aorta was also disccused.

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