[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2572KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 79(11): 1449-1458, 1978

Original article


The Second Department of Surgery, St. Marianna University School of Medicine (Director : Prof. N. Iijima)

Yoshinori Kuroda, Hiromi Ohira, Toshifumi Takeshita, Takashi Kajitani, Hirohiko Akiyama, Mitsuhiko Iwasaki, Kazutaka Ashikawa

In an attempt to clarify the role of the regional lymph node in the resistance to the malignant tumor, male C3H/He mice were inoculated with MH-134 tumor cells in the femoral region. Both the regional and the distant lymph nodes were excised at one, two and three weeks after the inoculation of the tumor cells for the histological study. The responses of lymphocytes in these lymph nodes to various mitogens and the ratio of θ-positive cells to whole lymphocyte population were also examined. The findings could be summarized as follows.
1. The regional lymph nodes were enlarged with the lapse of time after the tumor transplantation. In the first and early second weeks, the formation of the active and large germinal centers, and the ploliferation of young plasma cells and of reticulum cells in the medullary cord and sinus were the characteristic featues. The cell density in the paracortical area appeared also to be slightly increased. However, the tumor cell infiltration had started in the cortical sinuses and outer cartex 3 weeks after tumor graft, and the nodes were almost completely replaced by the tumor cells by the end of 4th. week.
2. The responsiveness of lymphocytes in lymph nodes to mitogens were decreased with the lapse of time after the tumor transplantation. The decrease was more conspicuous in lymphocytes of the regional lymph nodes than that of the distant lymph nodes.
3. The ratio of θ-positive cells in the lymphocytes of the regional lymph nodes was transiently increased one week after the tumor transplantation, but it abruptly decreased two and three weeks after the transplantation.
These findings were distinct from those obtained with ordinary antigen simulation, and may suggest that, although the tumor host resisted with the cellular reactions in the regional node at least in the early stage, the effort was overwhelmed with the rapid tumor invasion.

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