[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 3430KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 79(10): 1356-1367, 1978

Original article


The First Department of Surgery, Fukushima Medical College (Director : Prof. Kenji Honda)

Tokuichi Igari

Operative results and their long term prognoses were studied on 337 cases of cholelithiasis.
The results obtained were as follows :
1) Hospital death was recognized in 18 cases out of 337 (5.4%).
2) Preoperative complications were recognized in 97 cases (29%), in which 12 cases (4.9%) died until 1970 and one case (1.1%) after 1971. Postoperative complications were recognized in 34 cases (10.0%), in which 14 cases (5.7%) died until 1970 and one case (1.1%) after 1971. The remarkable decrease in death rate after 1971 was due to improvement in pre- and postoperative management .
3) Reoperations were performed in 50 cases (15.0%) due to residual stones, biliary peritonits, bleeding from the biliary tracts and bleeding from the liver bed in the order of frequency.
4) In the postoperative long term results, 240 cases out of 259 (93.0%) were fair, and 19 cases (7.0%) were poor mainly due to the disease with no relation with cholelithiasis.
5) In the cholecystectomized cases, six cases (18.0%) showed remarkable dilatation of the common bile duct, and 13 cases (38.0%) showed remarkable inflammatory chaneges of the papilla of Vater mainly due to dysfunction of the choledochoduodenal junction. In the cholecystostomized cases, the postoperative long term results were fair.

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