[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1080KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 79(9): 1177-1181, 1978

Report on the annual meeting


Second Department of Surgery, Kumamoto University, School of Medicine

Yoshihisa Sera, M.D.

Clinical investigation of esophageal atresia on 17 patients who were treated in our hospital and Kumamoto city hospital were analysed. Surgical treatments especially on the patients with a wide gap between the upper esophageal pouch and the lower esophageal pouch were discussed. One patient was treated by elongation of the upper pouch by Howard and Myers's mercury-loaded bougie technique. Rehbein's procedure were performed on 2 patients : one patient with a wide gap was failed of elongation because of infection, but other patient with anastomotic stenosis was recanalized successfully by this procedure. Livaditis esophageal circular myotomy was performed on 2 patients : one patient with Gross C type wide gap and other patient with Gross A type.
Today, what is the most common surgical treatment of esophageal atresia with wide gap ? Answer from 33 Japanese pediatric surgeons for this questionnaire were also analysed. Mobilization of the upper esophageal pouch up to the neck was the first choice technique of them. About the second choice, there were no significant difference between their opinion, i.e. colonic transplantation, Livaditis circular myotomy, Rehbein's procedure, jejunal transplantation and gastric tube replacement.

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