[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 625KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 79(9): 1131-1133, 1978

Report on the annual meeting


Dept. of Oncologic Surgery Res. Inst. for Microbial Diseases Osaka University

Tetsuo Taguchi

In the surgical adjuvant chemotherapy for gastric cancer, the effectiveness of Futraful (N1-(2'-tetrahydrofuryl)- 5-fluorouracil) was investigated under random allocation in multihospital.
This study involved 2064 patients following gastrectomy from May 1975 to July 1976 in 297 cooperative hospitals in Japan.
All patients had been divided into group I (intermittent intravenous injection of moderate dose of Mitomycin C (MMC) and group II (massive intravenous injection of MMC) and then each of the groups was allocated at random to subgroup A (without Futraful) and subgroup B (with futraful, that is, MMC plus oral administration of Futraful during 3 months).
The data indicate that all of the back ground factors were statistically similar in proportion between subgroup A and subgroup B within groups I and II. Side effects (subjective and objective symptoms) were very slight during the period of such long-term therapy. The cases received over 20 mg of MMC were classified according to dose regimen of Futraful and one-year survival rates were assessed. The results revealed that in patients of clinical stages III and IV, the survival rates of subgroups I-B and II-B were about 10 per cent higher than those of the comparable subgroups respectively and improved in proportion to dose of Futraful. This surgical adjuvant chemotherapy appears very hopeful for a suitable means of the treatment for gastric cancer.

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