[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1277KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 79(9): 1126-1130, 1978

Report on the annual meeting


Dept. of Surgery, Aichi Cancer Center Hospital, Nagoya, Japan

Kimiyuki Kato, M.D.

In three controlled stials, 242 patients undergoing "curative" resection for adenocarcinoma of the large bowel were ramdomized to be treated by surgery alone or to receive Mitomycin C (MMC) intraand/ or postoperatively. In the first trial, patients were given MMC, intravenously (A) or intraluminally (B) at the time of operation or were given no anticancer drugs (C). The 7 year survival rates for these groups were A: 52.3%, B: 31.0% and C: 48.9%. In the second trial, patients were given MMC into the portal vein and intraperitoneally (A) or into the superior rectal artery (B) at the time of operation or were given no anticancer drugs (C). The 6 year survival rates for these group were A: 67.9%, B: 60.0% and C: 40.0%. In the third trial, patients were given MMC and 5FU into the superior rectal artery at the time of operation and intravenously postoperatively (A) or were given no anticancer drugs (B). The 4 year survival rates for these groups were A: 76.0% and B: 61.6%.
An analysis of the survival curves revealed some evidence of drug benefit in patients injected into the portal vein and into the superior rectal artery. However, this benefit was not statistically significant.

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