[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1070KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 79(9): 1121-1125, 1978

Report on the annual meeting


The Second Dept. of Surgery Nagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoya

Hideo Kamei

Fifty percent survival was 6 months in the group of patients bearing advanced gastric carcinoma who were performed non-curative surgery followed by treatment with or without chemotherapy, 8 months in the group treated with OK-432 and chemotherapy, 9 months in the group treated with PSK, 10 months in the group treated with PSK and chemotherapy. Statsitically significant difference was observed between the group treated with immuno-potentiators and others. Statistically significant increase in survival at 6 months after surgery were also observed in the group applied combined treatment with immunostimulants and chemotherapy as compared to the group treated with chemotherapy alone.
Patients observed marked improvement after 4 weeks of postoperative day showed significant increase of survival at 12 months.
Coefficient of correlation (γ) between each cellular immunological parameter, correlated well to the stage and prognosis. The rate (γ) between PHA and PPD skin reaction was 0.89 in early stage of carcinoma, 0.24 in advanced carcinoma and 0.65 in patients showing satisfactory prognosis.
Preoperative use of immunostimulants prevented the suppression of parameters which were generally observed after surgery. Normal range of immunological parameters could be maintained by interchanged use of various immunostimulants at intervals of 2 to 6 months at out patients clinics.

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