[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1434KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 79(8): 865-871, 1978

Report on the annual meeting


Department of Neurosurgery, Tokai University, School of Medicine

Osamu Sato, M.D., Ryuichi Tsugane, M.D., Masaki Ohya, M.D., Masaharu Ito, M.D., Masao Bun, M.D.

Hydrocephalus is a syndrome in which the balance of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) formation and absorption is impaired resulting in an accumulation of CSF in the ventricular system and in most observed hydrocephalic cases CSF malabsorption is the causative factor.
Based upon the review of literature and more sophisticated investigations, it is believed that the principle site of CSF absorption is the arachnoid villi, however, several other structures are also indicated as lesser CSF absorptive sites. In this communication, transventricular or transependymal absorption of CSF is emphasized, particularly in hydrocephalic individuals as a subsidiary pathway of CSF when main CSF absorptive pattern is vitiated.
Physiological data from perfusion technique of CSF compartments as well as electron microscopic findings on tracer study and autoradiographic pictures are presented and discussed.

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