[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 197KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 79(8): 766-767, 1978

Report on the annual meeting


Saitama Cancer Center

Masao Fujimori, M.D.

Since 1970, I have studied on the indication of atypical (modified) radical mastectomy for breast cancer supported by Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan. For the patients of Stage I (TnM, Classification of Japan Mammary Cancer Society) Halsted's operation was done in 587 cases, atypical radical mastectomy was done in 214 cases; and 7-year relative survival rates were 91% and 94% respectively. However, I reserve the decision of the indications of both operative procedures till 3 years later.
Speakers have different opinions each other on the indication of atypical radical mastectomy, and it is too early to conclude because the cases are too few and the follow-up times are too short. Well-known workers on breast cancerーBaker R.R., Robbins G.F., Hermann R.E. and Handley R.S. assert each opinion about this problem. I think that surgeons are to take place for the present the typical or atypical radical mastectomy for breast cancer of stages (UICC, 1972)ーT1aN0M0, T1aN1 aM0, T2 aN0M0, T2aN-aM0, to compare the 10-year relative survival rates and recurrent rates each other and to decide the indication of atypical radical mastectomy on the base of their results.

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