[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1127KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 79(8): 671-676, 1978

Report on the annual meeting


*) From the 2nd Department of Surgery, The University of Tokyo
**) Department of Thoracic Surgery, The University of Tokyo
***) General Surgical Service, Tokyo Metropolitan Police Hospital

Yuji Maruyama, M.D.*), Yusuke Tada, M.D.*), Kihachiro Kamiya, M.D.*), Atsuhiko Takagi, M.D.*), Akira Ueno, M.D.**), Soichi Umezu, M.D.***), Yoshikura Haraguchi, M.D.***), Toshishige Wakabayashi, M.D.***)

During last 8 years, saphenous vein grafts to the tibial or peroneal arteries were performed in 14 patients of Buerger's disease. There were 14 men ranging in age from 23 to 59 years. All patients selected for tibial artery bypass faced such eminent ischemic symptoms as rest pain (5), Gangrene or intractable ulcer (5), and claudication (4).
Accurate distal lower extremity arteriograms are prerequisite for tibial reconstruction. Single artery patency at the ankle was demonstrated in 9 patients. A single tibial or peroneal vessel patent distally can provide adequate run-off.
Although the tibial-peroneal trunk is the preferred site for the distal anastomosis, severe occlusive disease often makes a more distal arterial branch the appropriate point for bypass. Proximal anastomoses were made to the superficial femoral artery (10), and distal ones to the posterior tibial (12), anterior tibial (1), and peroneal artery (1). Three distal anastomoses were made at the ankle.
Operative mortality was nil. Early patency was obtained in 10 of 14 grafts. Two patients with occlusion required amuputation. There were 2 late occlusion with no further amuputation. Graft patency at two years was 52%. Graft patent for more than two years functioned steadily.
Key Words : Buerger's disease, Tibial Bypass, Distal Bypass.

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