[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 4371KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 79(7): 597-609, 1978

Original article


The First Department of Surgery, Nippon Medical School

Kiyonori Furukawa

Purpose and Methods
This time, experiments were performed on gallstone formation in germfree mice fed on lithogenic diet with 1% cholesterol and 0.5% cholic acid by weight, added to the basic diet. The experiments were performed in separate groups of conventional (C.V.) and germfree (G.F.) groups both on male ICR. At first, changes in weight and formation of gallstones could be observed, and then research was made on liver function tests, bile acid analysis, histological examination, measurement of liver cholesterol content and count of intestinal flora.
Changes of weight ;
In the C.V. group, the weight had been steady till the 8th week and then increase in weight was observed. In the G.F. group, a significant decrease in weight could be observed.
Gallstone formation ;
In the C.V. group, a formation of 67% was observed in the 4th week, 69% in the 8th week and 100% in the 24th week. Comparing with them, in the case of G.F. group, it was formed 100% in the 4th week. Liver function was significantly damaged in the G.F. group, while in the C.V. group, it was hardly damaged.
Changes of bile acid compositions ;
The cholic acid count in the G.F. group was higher than in the C.V. group, but deoxycholic acid (DCA) was detected only in the latter group. DCA count of the C.V. group increased steadily.
Amount of liver cholesterol ;
In the G.F. group, the contents were higher than in the C.V. group. Histological findings of liver were found to be more damaged in the G.F. group, at the same time, the increase of liver cholesterol was observed. In the C.V. group, intestinal flora had been utterly disrupted owing to the lithogenic diet.

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