[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 3112KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 79(6): 500-508, 1978

Original article


Yukio Matsui, Yukitoshi Aoki, Osamu Ishikawa, Takeshi Iwanaga, Kenzo Taniguchi, Toshio Terasawa1), Goro Kosaki2), Akira Wada, Ryuhei Tateishi3)

In eighteen surgical specimens with pancreatic duct carcinoma, the pattern of cancer growth in the pancreas was an alysed. In five specimens, cancer grew continuously to the direction of the tail along the main duct wall. This type of cancer was designated here as "in traductal continuously spreading cancer ". The conventional histological diagnosis in these five specimens were either papillary adenocarcinoma or papillo-tubular adenocarcinoma. In the remaining thirteen specimens, excepted for two cases of cystadeno carcinoma arising from the pancreatic tail, eleven specimens did not show papillary hyperplasia, and they were histologically tubular adenocarcinoma or scirrhous adenocarcinoma. In these eleven specimens, in traductal continuously spreading of cancer was not evidenced, but the cancer invaded into the pancreas parenchyma sporadically and relatively circumscribedly associated with marked hyperplasia of fibrous tissues. In two of five cases showing in traductal spreading, neither in vasion beyond the pancreatic capsule nor metastases to the lymph nodes were noted but the cancer had spread through the the main pancreatic duct to the terminal portion in the tail. One of two cases was lost due to acute hepatitis and the other is doing well 8 years posto peratively. Therefore, total pancreatectomy is particularly in dicated for "in traductal continuously spreading type of cancer" so far as there is surgical radicality justified.

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