[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 4748KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 78(11): 1050-1061, 1977

Original article


First Department of Surgery, Fukushima Medical School (Director: Prof. Kenji Honda)

Ryo Yago

During 17 years (1959 - 1976), 109 patients with rectal cancer were treated surgically and an analysis of the factors which might have influence on the prognosis after the operation was made.
The results obtained were as follows:
1) Among the 109 patients, 13 cases (12%) were not resectable and 96 cases (88%) were non-curative and 67 (70%) curative.
2) The five year survival rate was 46%
3) Among causes of death less than five years after operation, local recurrence was the most frequent.
4) From the fact that the five year survivals were found among the patients of stage III and IV who received complete excision of the lymphnodes of the minor pelvic cavity, and that the patient who had received operation in very early stage died from local recurrence three years one month after operation, it can be concluded that main cause of the death of the patients with rectal cancer is the local recurrence in the minor pelvic cavity.
So the most important thing to prevent local recurrence is the complete excision of the lymphnodes and tissue with infiltration in the minor pelvic cavity which is deep and narrow. The author reported the transpubic approach for complete excision of tissues in minor pelvic cavity under direct vision with wide field.

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