[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 3821KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 78(11): 1037-1049, 1977

Original article


1st. Department of Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine (Director: Prof. Yohtaro Iyomasa)

Kyohei Kawase

Biochemical analysis and histochemical studies of acid mucopolysaccharides were performed on the cancer tissues and normal mucosa of the stomach. The results were as follows:
1 ) No differences in the amount of total and individual acid mucopolysaccharides were observed between the normal mucosa and intestinal metaplastic mucosa, and the average amount of acid mucopolysaccharides was 5.98μg/mg dry tissue, but it could not be demonstrated histochemically.
2) In the medullary carcinoma, the amounts of total and individual acid mucopolysaccharides were almost the same as those in the normal mucosa.
3) In the scirrhous carcinoma, the amount of acid mucopolysaccharides was larger than that in the normal mucosa and medullary carcinomsa;and high contents of hyaluronic acid and dermatan sulfate were observed.
4) In the mucinous carcinoma, a relatively large amount of acid mucopolysaccharides could be detected, but the amount of other mucinous substances was contained so large that acid mucopolysaccharides were hardly demonstrated on the tissue sections by the digestion treatment with chondroitinase-ABC or hyaluronate l yase. The results seemed to show that cancer cells in the scirrhous tissue produce acid mucopolysaccharides which had an intimate relation with the fibrogenesis in the interstitial stromal element , and it was conceivable that an increase of stromal connective tissue which contained a large of acid mucopolysaccharides might be favourable to the growth of cancer cells.

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