[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2452KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 78(9): 769-778, 1977

Original article


Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University, School of Medicine

Yoshio Terakado

Recent studies of the immunooncology have disclosed the presence of antigens in certain human brain tumors. It has also been known that the so-called "blocking factors" in serum inhibit the cell-mediated immune reaction against the tumor antigen.
In this study, the cytotoxicity of lymphocytes upon the rat glioma and glioma of the human patients was measured using the microtoxicity assay method. In the same model, blocking effect of serum against the lymphocyte-induced cytotoxicity was also determined.
Cultured rat glioma cells (RG) and the cell-line of a human glioblastoma were used as the target cells. Lymphocytes collected from the glioma bearing rats or from the patients of either astrocytoma or glioblastoma, demonstrated the specific cytotoxicities upon the corresponding target cells, and cytotocixity indices were 81% and 72% respectively. It was also demonstrated that the addition of serum from the same animal or patient to the reaction mixture did block these cellmediated cytotoxicity up to 93% and 79% respectively.
In the next series of experiments RG was transplanted to the new born rats subcutaneously. After tumor grew to thumb-tip size "immuned" lymphocytes collected from the blood of same animal was inoculated directly into the tumor. In 6 out of 8 rats, obvious regression of tumor growth was noticed and these animals escaped from the tumor death. While in the control group rats died without exception as the result of tumor growth.
Lastly, clinical trials of immunotherapy to the glioma patients were made. Autochthonous lymphocytes suspended in saline were inoculated into tumor tissue through the Ommaya reservoier. This method seemed to be offective in some patients though the number of patients was limited to draw any dinfinite conclusion.

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